6 Features of A Kitchen Remodel That Are a Waste of Momey

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I get this question a lot - so before you do that kitchen remodel...check out this article...especially if you are thinking about selling in the near future...#robbieyourhomegirl #buyingandselling #experiencematters #realestate
6 Features of a Kitchen Remodel That
Are a Waste of Money
Kitchen remodels are always popular. The pandemic has increased home
improvement projects even more as people embrace the idea of staying
home more. While it’s easy to find inspiration for these kitchen remodels,
there are great ways to save money and still create a beautiful, welcoming
1. Expensive Backsplashes – Backsplashes can make a huge visual
impact, but more expensive isn’t necessarily better. There are many
cost-effective materials that mimic more expensive quartz, marble, and
2. Designer Appliances – Designer labels look great on shoes and
purses but look for style and function for new appliances and forget the
designer brands that can cost twice as much for the same look.
3. Trendy Hardware – Hardware is one of the least expensive ways to
update a kitchen, but there is still a cost. Balance personal style with price
and avoid fad fixtures that will need to be replaced soon.
4. High-Tech Gadgets – Tech is fun, but will you really use your
refrigerator to build a shopping list or turn on your oven from the beach?
Most likely, tech gadgets in the kitchen will go to waste.
5. Moving Electrical/Plumbing – When possible, work within the
current layout of electrical and plumbing access. Relocating these sources
is expensive and difficult.
6. Open Shelving – Displaying beautiful plates and glassware may be
appealing but consider the upkeep to maintain this look. You may end up
adding closed cabinets anyway for more money after the remodel.
A kitchen remodel is exciting but expensive and time consuming.
Fortunately, there are ways to lower the cost and still have the fresh,
beautiful kitchen you’ll want to spend time in.
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